
A Brief History of Wood Bros

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Our History

The history of Wood Bros (Furniture) LTD stretches back to its foundation in 1924 by Mr H.W. Wood MBE (or ‘HW’ as he was known to all). A family company which, with it’s wide and varied past of innovation, design and hard work, diversified into many interesting niche areas.

History of Cabinetmakers

Coming from a long line of accomplished cabinetmakers, HW loved the strength and character of oak, the material that had built English power from its navy, buildings and homes since the 15th century. He chose oak timber, perfect for construction, to create the Old Charm collection of fine traditional furniture with its rich and decorative carvings and motifs.

History of Prestigious Contracts

Other timbers and materials like glass fibre and plastics later caught his imagination for making unusual and niche products. Prestigious contracts of national importance were earned on the great ocean-going transatlantic liners of the 1960s.

Beauty vs. Function – Actually Both

Success followed his endeavours, which were driven by his belief in surrounding oneself with beauty combined with function. A brief history, his favourite quote was the William Morris golden rule ‘Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful’

Click here to learn more about our culture and business philosophy, as well as our dedication to superb furniture design and quality manufacture.  

Our designers continue to evolve our cabinet and sofa collections in style and function to match today’s living. View our furniture collections here.

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