Exhibition, Fabric, Interior Design

MoOD+Indigo 2018

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This month saw our buying team visit Mood Exhibition in Brussels, home to some of the best linen mills in the world.

Fabric trends noticed by our buying team were tone-on-tone and harmonious fabric combinations in all conceivable colours.  Blastation opted for a soothing combination of burgundy and rusty brown. But greens and yellow also stood out. From emerald to grass green and from sunflower yellow to ochre. They have one thing in common: they belong to the same family on the colour spectrum.

Velvets were a big story at the show, from vintage hues such as dusky pinks, racing green, to strong blues and mustard. Velvets were also evident in loud bright splashes of colour.

Another continuing trend was the natural textures and plains, mixed in with retro geometrics and elegant abstracts. We have a variety of each in our swatches for our Sofa Collection as well as our dining chairs.

A feast for the eyes, and one that provided much inspiration for next year’s upholstery and dining swatches!

To view our fabrics and order samples, please click here.

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