Design, Interior Design

How to Make a Room Plan

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Plan without the Pain!

You won’t keep the same furniture forever -that’s a fact. Your sofa might have been bounced on by the kids one time too many. The dining chairs are creaking and wobbly. The Mother-in-law doesn’t like it. Sooner or later, something will have to change. You need a plan.

The room plan is arguably one of the trickiest parts of the new furniture journey – you need to figure out colours, sizes, what pieces you want, where to put them; it seems endless. Follow our tips below and your plan should go better than, well… planned.

#1. Measure twice

You know the saying “Measure twice, cut once?” There is a lot of logic to that. And although it might sound stupidly simple, measuring is so important. If you get the dimensions for your room wrong, you might find your sofa stuck in the doorway.

Get someone to help you and verify the measurements. Measure along all walls, the height of the room, any corners, alcoves, fireplaces and such. Be thorough as this will save you a headache further down the line.

#2. Mood board

We’ve spoken before about how a mood board can help with regards to seeing colours and patterns together. If you haven’t already, read our previous blog post to get a detailed look at how to create a mood board.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with it – if you don’t like something you can always take it off again. (It is also useful to take it around with you when you shop!)

#3. Pick a style and stick to it!

It’s easy to start planning and then say “oh, I like the idea of X,” or “we have a Y that could go here.” But does it fit with your style? Keep in mind the look you want – is it classic country, bohemian, traditional, modern, minimalist, industrial…? If you don’t have a style pinned down, you don’t know what you’re looking for. Or maybe that is your style – eclectic; a mishmash of styles. Whatever it is, stick to it!

#4. Do your research

Which direction does your window face? How much light does your room get? How much does a sofa cost? These are all things you should think of when planning your room.

If it gets a lot of natural light, consider plants, light colours and perhaps blinds so that the sun isn’t in your face. If it is dark, think about how you will keep it feeling light and warm. You should also look at your budget and research prices – you don’t want to spend all of your money on one or two items when there are more that you need to buy!

#5. Space and function

This is perhaps pretty obvious but you need to think about getting into, and moving around in, the room you are planning. Leave plenty of space around the door, for example. You might put your cosy armchair in the corner. You’ll want a table next to it for the tea you always have or that book you can’t put down. Think of the practicalities of each piece and what you are likely to do with it.

You should also think about the function – if you have regular visitors and need a sofa bed, don’t forget to factor in that extra space. If your table extends, make sure there is room for it to do so, and for people to sit at either end when it is extended.

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