Design, Furniture, Heritage

Discover: The Games Table

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Rediscovering the hidden treasures of Wood Bros

Wood Bros has been trading for 94 years, so it’s safe to say we have produced a lot of furniture in that time! There are some real treasures in the collections, and here we will look at one of the most beautiful. Meet the Old Charm Games Table.

A Stunning Centrepiece

The Old Charm Games Table really is a breathtaking piece. Featuring fine craftsmanship evident in its carved pedestal, paired with the beautiful woods seen in the chess and backgammon boards, this piece is the perfect centrepiece for a room.

Not only is it beautiful, it is also multifunctional – the chess board can be used for chess or chequers using the carved wooden pieces provided in the secret drawer. When the board is flipped, a green baize is revealed, perfect for card games with friends. Two packs of Old Charm branded cards are included in the drawer, as well as dice and two felt-lined dice cups.

When the board is removed completely, a beautiful backgammon board is revealed, which again can be played with the carved pieces in the drawer. Also included is a cribbage board and pegs and an instruction manual.

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Beautifully designed

The Games Table stands on a pedestal which features a beautiful carving in the middle. This large carving harks back to times when the intricacy of a carving showed the status of the owner of the piece.

The chess board uses birdseye maple for the light squares and pommele wood for the dark, with a burr oak surround. The chess pieces themselves are made from rosewood (dark pieces) and boxwood (light pieces) and are weighted, therefore giving the perfect feel when playing.

As with other Old Charm pieces, the Games Table is available in any of the five wood colours on offer, and in either a Traditional or Classic finish. For full colour and finish details, click here.

Scroll down to see more pictures of the beautiful Old Charm Games Table.


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