Design, Fabric, Furniture, Interior Design

Customise your Comfort

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Your furniture, your way

Furniture is a very personal thing to any home; not only does it have to be comfortable and strong enough to cope with day-to-day life (especially where children and pets are concerned!), but it also needs to look right. It can be hard to visualise a sofa in the perfect fabric to suit your room, but our new tool allows you to customise your furniture online.

We are always trying to go the extra mile to help our customers, and so we now have a customiser tool available to use on our website! This useful tool displays a virtual model of the selected piece of furniture, which you can then upholster in your choice of Wood Bros fabrics.

Once you have chosen your fabric, you can choose a wood colour to complement, and then simply enter your details to be sent a link that will take you back to the product customiser, where your design will be waiting for you to view or edit.

See for yourself

Want to have a go? Click here to select a piece of upholstery and use the  customiser tool for yourself!

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